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Visual Art

Research Shows Earnings Gap for Men, Women Artists

Caitlin Heidbrink |

According to research by the National Endowment for the Arts, there may be one crack left in that obnoxious glass ceiling. Recent studies show that female artists are making less than their male counterparts, a statistic that has been widely discussed in other areas of the workforce. The research shows in 2003-2005, young women aged 18 to 24 earned 95 cents for every $1 made by young male artists. The gap widened with age, as 45- to 54-year-olds made 67 cents to $1 of a male. In addition, the research showed this disparity varies by occupation within the arts. Female designers and art directors earn about 72 percent of what men rake in, and female musicians and dancers earned 92 cents to the male dollar.