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French Club Finalizes French Film Festival

Trevor Kupfer |

Azur Et Asmar

UW-Eau Claire’s French Club has put together a five-title French Film Festival running from Feb. 25 to March 16. The club chose five recent French releases, each coming from a different genre. Leading off the festival is Ne le dis a personne, a 2006 murder mystery translating as “Tell No One” that earned high praise from the French awards circuit. Azur et Asmar, another 2006 release, is director Michel Ocelot’s animated adventure that followed his absolutely phenomenal Kirikou and the Sorceress. Another French award magnet, La Graine et le Mulet (Secret of the Grain), follows the dramatic story of an aging working class divorcee. The 2007 romantic comedy Shall We Kiss? and 2008 road movie Eldorado, in which a homeowner decides to give the young man that tried to burglarize him a ride home, round out the mini festival.