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Editor's Notes

Note from the Editor | April 22, 2010

Nick Meyer |

This is the 150th issue of Volume One. So I suppose that’s worth a short reflective pause. It’s kind of funny to frame 150 issues in my head as though that’s a big deal when there are daily newspapers who fly through that many issues in just five months. It took us eight years to get here. But of course that’s apples and oranges.

I remember in the first couple years of V1, if someone mentioned a specific article I could likely name the issue number and date the article appeared – and be right 95% of the time. Well at this point, with 150 issues out the door, the whole thing is definitely a blur of art, music, stories, and culture of all kinds. But it’s still fun to try. Each issue is sort of a time capsule of that moment in local culture – an every-two-week measurement of our collective experiences.

Even though V1 has evolved in so many (too many?) different directions with dozens of events, the website, videos, etc., it’s still the printed magazine that’s at the core of what we do. And while I have some hopes, in reality I have no idea where the next 150 issues will take us. I suppose that’s part of the fun.