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Cover Art

On the Cover | Jan. 12, 2012

learn about this issue's cover art by Ted Lewis

“Dog Couch on Prehistoric Scenery” by Ted Lewis
part of a series of “ted cards” made from recycled pictures
and cardstock
, 5” x 7”, circa 1998

Ted Lewis
Ted Lewis

“These collages are all made from recycled materials from print media.  Each card is a one-of-a-kind original, and in this way they represent a reversal of the mass production of highly-disposable media imagery.  I think of it as a redemption of what is no longer valued in our society.  The back sides all have a postcard format. No copying or reproduction is ever used for the production of these cards.  While this preserves the uniqueness of each work, it is also a statement against the dependency on electricity for today’s artwork, especially the dominant artwork of advertising.  When anthropologists dig up our society 1,000 years from now, they will view advertising as the primary art-form that reflects our culture. The juxtaposition of one cutout and one background highlights the theme of relationality.  This is usually on an aesthetic level, where both items share certain features, but it can also involve social commentary, where both items have a more tense or ironic relationship.  I work from hundreds of cut-outs and backgrounds, so the creative process is akin to being a matchmaker.”  – The Artist

What we were thinking: "We recently discovered Ted Lewis's Ted Cards at Tangled Up in Hue's glory. The piece titled, Dog Couch on Prehistoric Scenery was chosen for its high contrast in imagery and the mesmerizing effect the pug in the foreground has on the viewer. The three creatures with in the piece are from very different time periods but still appear to be relaxed in their natural settings. Perhaps it portrays the activity levels from prehistoric animals to modern day domesticated animals or a depiction of massive time warp for the pug and how none of the creatures really seem to take notice. Regardless, the precise collage work of the artist creates a unique scene that captivates a viewer and encourages them to thoroughly enjoy of all the elements in the artwork."
  – V1 Designer Josh Smeltzer

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a letter.