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Back Again

Meridene returns with b-sides EP, talk of new full-length

Thom Fountain |

Eau Claire indie-rockers Meridene made quite a career for themselves over the years they were active, with two heralded full-lengths and an EP. But in 2012 they wrapped it up and decided to call it quits. Well, after a few years of other projects (Trevor Ives and Paul Brandt helped form the Frenettes, Dave Power continues playing with Adelyn Rose and PUNCHER among others), the group has returned with a (semi) new EP, Put The Fear Of God Into Our Crew. The release contains a number of new tracks from a never released EP recorded back before their first split, as well as some reworked songs from past releases. On top of Put The Fear, the group has become much more active live and is in the early stages of writing a new full-length to look forward to in the future. Put The Fear is available at The Local Store, 205 N. Dewey St., and at