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Get Ready for Another Another Independent International Film Fest

Sammy Gibbons |

Attention all movie-lovers! Get that popcorn poppin’ because Another Independent International Film Festival is returning to Eau Claire Sept. 8-10. The event is put on by Chippewa Valley Community Television (CVCTV), and all proceeds will go to that organization. The fest will feature traditionally made flicks of all genres produced in various countries – from an Asian art-inspired animated film from Singapore to an Austrian comedy about adults taking family photos in a bathtub. The films, which are primarily under 30 minutes long, will not be new, unlike most film festivals. In fact, all films will have been made before August 2015. This year, the event will be held in two different locations: Micon’s Downtown Cinema will screen the movies, many of which also will be replayed at the CVCTV studio at Banbury Place, 800 Wisconsin St. Each block of time, which is typically a little over an hour, will be filled at each location with several films due to their short length. Thursday and Friday evenings will feature a small chunk of films, both starting at 7pm and ending shortly after 9pm, but Saturday the reels will hit the big screen from 10am until after 10:30pm when the last set of showings begins. Attendees can purchase tickets for individual blocks for $4, or commit the entire weekend to binge-watching an eclectic bunch of films and purchase a $20 pass for the whole shabang. If you want to prove to your friends that you are really are hip and intelligent you are, while also supporting local businessess, this is the event to go to.