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The Wisconsin Film Fest Wants Your Movie

Emily Kinzel |

Calling any and all Wisconsinite filmmakers: You’ve scripted, directed, edited, and perfected. Now it’s time to share your creations with the Wisconsin Film Festival 2018. The festival will celebrate its 20th year next spring (it will be held April 5-12 in Madison), and organizers are soliciting their next batch of films. You can enter your masterpiece in one of two categories: Wisconsin’s Own and Wisconsin’s Own Student. Films can be narrative, documentary, experimental, or animated. Submissions can be of any length, but the film must have been created after January 2017. Submissions will be accepted through the end of the business day on Friday, Dec. 29, but don’t delay! Another exciting tidbit about this year’s Wisconsin Film Festival is that it’s using an entirely new submission process called FilmFreeway, a faster and easier system for all involved. Entry fees are as follows: $45 for feature films (60 minutes or longer), $35 for short films (less than 60 minutes), and $15 for student films of any length (with photocopy of valid student ID). To get a better understanding of the categories, eligibility, submission process, and format options, and to obtain an entry form, visit The Wisconsin Film Festival is excited to see your talent shine through your film. Get ready to be the next Martin Scorsese!