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Cover Art

On the Cover | May 2, 2018

learn more about Volume One's cover art from Joe Maurer

“Lake Manoomin: River of Islands”
by Joe Maurer
Acrylic on Wood Panel, 18”x24”

Joe Maurer invites outside fields like Jungian psychology to influence and inform what he creates. He observes that most thoughts refuse to be named.

“Manoonmin is the Ojibwe name for wild rice. Looking at Lake Menomin as an impoundment for sediment and phosphorus and looking at the ‘Wetlands Bill’ which does not value these landscapes, I decided it would be worthy, or at least therapeutic, to imagine an alternate future. This image is from a series looking at dam removal on the Red Cedar River. While this act would not ameliorate issues of phosphorus runoff, at least it has the potential to create a landscape where wildlife could thrive. This is an idea about a future ‘nature culture’ society. Menomonie would be built around a giant wetland. Raised paths could circulate around tamarack bogs and wild rice could be re-established. ” – The Artist

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a message.