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The Gentle Guest Plans New Album Unholy Mess

Eric Christenson, photos by Zach Oliphant |

Eric Rykal, The Gentle Guest
Eric Rykal, The Gentle Guest

Eau Claire band The Gentle Guest – who used to actively slay the local scene with their firebrand style of country punk – has been relatively quiet for a couple years. Frontman Eric Rykal has been focusing his creativity into brewing beer, most recently through his own business, Altoona’s Modicum Brewing. A show here and there reminded us that yes, The Gentle Guest still rips, and hmm, maybe they might be making some new music, but nothing was set in stone until now. The band – who haven’t released a proper album since their 2010 full-length Cast Off Your Human Form – are plotting a release of a nine-track followup called Unholy Mess on Nov. 10. Details are sparse, but it’s an exciting development for one of Eau Claire’s most original acts. Mark your calendars for the release show at The Mousetrap on Nov. 10. It’ll be well worth your time.