Recreation Events Outdoors

NO CHIRPING AROUND: Bird School Registration Open at Beaver Creek Reserve

trek with professionals and learn all about Wisconsin’s soaring sparrows and other birds

Kelly Carlson |

EARLY BIRDS GET THE WORM. Registration is open for Beaver Creek Reserve's bird school. (Submitted Photos)

As the sky’s bright blue hue starts to push away winter clouds in the Chippewa Valley, the grass is starting to peak above slushing snow and a few feathered friends are making their way back home in anticipation for springtime. But who are the creatures singing in the morning? Where are they now? Where did they come from? Why do the songs sound different from bird to bird?

Beaver Creek Reserve’s Bird School is the one-stop-shop for beginning birders to learn new skills. “The course will go over all the basics,” Sara Norman, Community Outreach Coordinator at Landmark Conservancy, said. “Including how to use binoculars and field guides, identifying birds by sight and sound, what birds need to thrive, and more!”

A 2 1/2-day course, running from April 20-April 22, this event is designed for beginners ready to learn more about local birds. Going over topics such as bird behaviors, identification, birdsong, and conservation of birds and their habitats, and featuring fun, hands-on activities (with possible prizes in the mix), you’ll be birding out in no time. 

Organized by Beaver Creek Reserve, folks can easily get in touch with the natural landscape with its 400-acre terrain and guiding experts. “Beaver Creek Reserve has lined up experts with amazing birding skills and knowledge, and participants will get the rare chance to learn from all of them in one course," Norman said.

Members at Beaver Creek pay $75, non-members $85, and students $55 to cover all costs of the course. Registration ends March 31, so don’t hesitate! With a combination of classroom lectures and trips out into the field, this birding event is equipped with everything you need to get your birding skills to take flight.

Learn more about Landmark Conservancy at, learn more about Beaver Creek Reserve at, or register for Bird School at