Community Orgs Services

YOUR TWO CENTS: The L.E. Phillips Library Seeks Input For Three-Year Plan

help the library craft its next three-year strategic plan through this online survey

McKenna Scherer, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

LET'S HEAR IT! The downtown Eau Claire public library is seeking community input via an online survey to help craft its next three-year plan.
LET'S HEAR IT! The downtown Eau Claire public library is seeking community input via an online survey to help craft its next three-year plan.

Want to offer up your two cents? Well, here’s your chance! The L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library is seeking community input to help better meet folks’ needs and shape its next three-year strategic plan.

As noted in a recent press release, the library’s last three-year strategic plan yielded dramatic results, ranging from innovative new programs and services to its recent $18.5 million renovation.

Folks are invited to take a 10-minute online survey to help inform the library’s next three-year strategic plan, which you can find here: Community Survey.

Some of the questions ask how often and what time of day you visit the library, if you feel welcome while visiting, what other area libraries you visit, and more.

The survey is open now through July 15, library staff also in the midst of planning a series of focus groups and open house discussions in the near future.

Visit the library's website to learn more about its current offerings. The online survey will be open through July 15.