Cover Art

On the Cover | Oct. 19, 2023

learn about this issue’s cover art

illustrated by Rob Mattison |

“Mattie the Fink” by Rob Mattison

Rob Mattison has been a monster lover all his life, second only to his love of his family, pups and friends.  An extreme hobbyist by nature, Rob’s favorite endeavors are creating monsters in clay, 3D digital sculpting and printing, painting, paper mâché and whatever suits the job at hand. Rob also loves to promote his favorite hobbies and has created two YouTube shows “Monster Model Review” and “Board Game Archaeology” which he produces with his son, Hunter. Rob is also an avid comic book collector and collector of games and toys from the 1960s to the ’80s.

“Mattie the Fink” (2021) • Latex Mask   From the artist: “ ‘Mattie the Fink’ was my first attempt at making a latex mask of my own design. Sculpted from oil-based Monster clay, molded in plaster, cast in latex, painted with a mix of acrylics and latex with brushes and detailed with two-part epoxy glue and red yarn for the eyes. Since creating Mattie I’ve moved onto water-based clay; it’s less expensive and it’s easier to texture. Since making ‘Mattie’ I’ve created a handful of other masks and look to continue for many years to come. If anyone would like to see my masks and how I create them, find me at GEEKcon on Dec. 2 at the UWEC Davies Center:”

Photo By: Sarah Seifert | Mask Worn By: Hunter Mattison


Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a message.