TODAY - 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

Eco Teams, The Thing to Do!

Ned Noel |

Going green is all the buzz, but how can we make a difference locally when it comes to protecting the environment and improving community?  Forming an Eco Team is the answer.  A group called "Sustainable Eau Claire" launched the concept this past week at a well attended meeting held at UW-Extension's Altoona Office. The basic concept is to form a team of people within your neighborhood or workplace and work together towards greener living. You can even do it with your friends, relatives, church, club, etc. The group meets seven times covering multiple areas in a fun and easy to use workbook. Topics are: garbage, water, energy, transportation, eco-consuming, and empowering others. At the end of the program, everyone throws a big party to celebrate success. Interested? Check out the Eco Team project at Sustainable Eau Claire’s website. Go to for more information.

Editor's note: Please excuse the Captain Planet picture. Couldn't resist.