Tomorrow 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

Puzzled About What to Do? Check Out This Winter Puzzle Exchange

Rebecca Mennecke |

If you had a blast with last winter’s puzzle exchange, courtesy of Ramone’s Ice Cream Parlor in Eau Claire, check out the community-wide puzzle exchange once again this winter! The local ice cream shop recently launched its second annual puzzle exchange as a way to keep kiddos entertained this winter, while staying healthy. Friends, family, and employees of the indie ice cream parlor have donated dozens of puzzles to get you and your family started. You don’t need a puzzle to trade in, and no purchase is necessary. (But I mean, who can pass up a scoop of their delicious This *&^ Just Got Serious?) There’s only one rule: Make sure your puzzle has all the pieces when you give it back. And, if you or anyone you know has a spare puzzle around, consider donating it to the puzzle exchange. And if you happen to be in the mood for some sweet treats, check out their Pint of the Month Club subscription. Recipients will receive a punch card that allots 12 pints (one for every month of 2022!) and a 20% off coupon for any merchandise purchases of the year. For more information, check out