Cover Art

On the Cover | Feb. 23, 2012

learn about this issue's cover art by Carrie Sood

“It’s That Time Again” by Carrie Sood
Acrylic and a little H2O, 11” x 14”, March 2011

Carrie Sood
Carrie Sood

“Frost. The frost that does not get the memo it is supposed to be spring. The frost that you find yourself using a credit card against since the scraper is never around when you are running late. The frost that makes you nervous when you see the driver next to you has only cleared a peep hole to drive by. The frost that refuses to yield even with the defroster maxed out. That frost was the inspiration for this piece. I would like to thank my mountain man in training friend, Kjell Olson and his beloved Sexy Sadie for modeling.”  – The Artist


What we were thinking: "‘Its that time of year again’ is the perfect title for this piece, and also the perfect reason why we picked this cover. The illustration created by Carrie Sood depicts a driver scraping the frost of his windshield. At the primary level, the literal imagery in relation to this time of year is recognizable to almost every person in the Chippewa Valley. At the secondary level (let’s call it “art appreciation”),one notices a very washy acrylic technique. This added effect of paint bleeding into other colors enhances the emotion of mid-February where the doldrums of winter are in full swing and that scraping a car off is quite mundane." V1 Designer Josh Smeltzer


Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a letter