Tomorrow 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park


Like the First Time

Ashley Dziuk |

Whether it’s sweet, painful, or awkward, everyone has a memory of their first sexual experience. Some may even know friends’ stories and enjoy divulging it to mere acquaintances whenever they aren’t around. Now you can hear thousands of them in the play My First Time. Performed in the style of The Vagina Monologues, four actors perform a fraction of the true stories written by real people about their first sexual experiences. Over a decade ago, a website was created where people could share said stories anonymously, resulting in more than 40,000 of them coming in from around the globe. They show quite a slice-of-life and the emotional output runs the gamut from silly and sweet to absurd and heartbreaking – heterosexual, homosexual, and everything in between. All are worth seeing in this acclaimed 90-minute show at The State Theatre on February 18 at 7:30 pm. Tickets run from $20 to $30, and shouldn’t be reserved for impressionable young’uns.