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Local Author Dives into Health Care Issues

Charlotte Pike |

    In March, the government passed a health care reform bill that will directly affect all U.S. citizens in the next four years. Groans, cheers, and questions were heard the nation over. For local author, Lex Tinker-Sackett, the reform was fuel to the political fire that originally encouraged his recently published book, Single Payer Solution: America’s Health Care Cure. In it, Lex delves into the issue beyond the simple case of conservatives versus liberals. He states bluntly that he “avoid(s) the heartbreaking stories of human suffering because they do not work,” instead focusing on the problems and potential cures of health care as a straightforward business plan. And Tinker-Sackett’s concise but thorough hypothesis recently caught the eye of pundit and Single Payer Action founder Russell Mokhiber, resulting in a positive review. For anyone interested in the current state of health care, Single Payer Solution provides an alternative source of insider information. For more information, see Tinker-Sackett’s blog at