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Film to Raise Awareness for Arts Charter School

Charlotte Pike |

ENGAGE Charter School, the arts-based charter school that will hopefully be a reality within the next year, has received a $175,000 federal grant to put toward curriculum planning, teacher training, and staff development. Though the potential school does not yet have a home, arts advocates are at work to find a location. Jo Ellen Burke, a retired ECASD teacher and the inspiration behind the idea said, “Ideally, we would love to have a location downtown, where it’s the center of the arts community.” Next fall is the proposed opening of the charter school, bringing the first wave of 35 students and increasing enrollment every year. On September 30, the arts advocacy committee is showing the documentary Race to Nowhere to raise awareness about their proposed charter school. Race to Nowhere is a film by Vicki Abeles about the declining American school system that produces students ill-prepared to enter and work in society.