Tomorrow 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

Editor's Notes

Note from the Editor | Mar. 31, 2011

Nick Meyer |

So right about now many of us are just itching to get outside. To take in some sun and maybe even a warm breeze. But mostly, to not trip over a wretched pile of frozen snow every time we leave the house. What we need now is to “think spring.” To help you do this, Volume One and Leinenkugels have just kicked off registration for this year’s Chippewa Valley Rock-n-Roll Kickball Classic! Nothing will get you in the mood for warmer weather like dreaming of you and nine of your best co-ed friends, with soft green grass and dusty brown dirt under your feet, hunched over and ready for action while someone kicks a giant red rubber ball in your general direction. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played kickball for twenty or thirty years – the Kickball Classic is perfect for anyone young at heart. With up to 24 teams, several bands, and plenty of beer, BBQ, and beanbags, you can’t go wrong. It all goes down in Altoona’s Cinder City Park on Friday, May 27 and Saturday, May 28. Visit for photos, videos, and more.