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Questioning the Locals | Statue of Adin Randall

get to know your neighbors!

V1 Staff |

Adin: The man. The statute. The legend.
Adin: The man. The statute. The legend.

WHO: Statue of Adin Randall
WHAT: Original Eau Claire entrepreneur, currently bronze park feature 
LIVES: Randall Park, Water Street neighborhood 
IN THE CITY FOR: 156 years (combinied corporeal and statuesque residency)

As the Water Street neighborhood’s oldest resident, the statue of Adin Randall in Randall Park has seen a lot of local history. He’s also seen the inside of many, many garbage cans. Although providing an outlet for generations of college hijinks may seem to be his primary legacy, the original, non-bronze man’s philanthropic contributions to a budding 19th century Eau Claire helped make the city what it is today.


So who are you again?

Quite frankly, I loathe to dignify your impertinent question with a response, but I’ve been told my “brand” needs some “marketing.” I moved to Eau Claire from Madison in 1855 when I was 26 years old. I started numerous local businesses, including the legendary Eau Claire House hotel. It has been said that I started or proposed more businesses than any local resident since, and I was instrumental in attracting the lumber barons that put Eau Claire on the map. 

Would we know any of your businesses?

Alas, time has claimed them all. But I did own most of the west side of Eau Claire at one time, and was able to donate land for, among other things, Randall Park and Lake View Cemetery.

If you were going to re-enter the entrepreneurial arena, which of the following popular local business types would most likely invest in: a coffee shop, a tattoo parlor, or a scrapbooking store?

Definitely a scrapbooking store. Never underestimate the buying power of a young mother drunk on her child’s cuteness.  

Your contributions to Eau Claire are awesome, no doubt, but what’s the funniest thing that’s been put on your head?

Ahh, the “Can the Man” phenomenon. Garbage cans are very novice-level. As is underwear. A tuba was very innovative, but I think the spirited youths of the community need to step it up. Perhaps one of those “Hands Across Eau Claire” hands balanced on my noggin would settle that little tradition once and for all.  

What is your favorite local festival?

The former, Joynt-sponsored Water Street Drag Race. Men in women’s clothing running down the street! Egads, who would have thought?  

Who do you end up hanging out with at the Eau Claire statuary parties?

Normally, historic statues would never associate with modern art, but the only other arguably historic pieces are Paul Bunyan and his grotesque blue cow. So, I will chat with the university’s ball of people and that naked wood man from the library, but I normally end up leaving early.

Death bed, one meal from a local restaurant, what would it be?

A steaming slice of Buzzy’s Macaroni and Cheese pizza. When the wind is right, its pungent aroma wafts right in my direction.  

Describe your last encounter with the police.

Well, it was about 2:30am on a recent Saturday when two gentlemen and a young lady wandered into the park. Apparently the first gentlemen was “talking s***” about the second gentleman’s girlfriend. Many words of color were exchanged, an altercation commenced, and law enforcers was summoned. This happens quite frequently.  

Did you vote for the jail expansion?

A proper man would never reveal his vote. Let’s just say all of the riverfront land I gave to the city became century-minded local landmarks.  

What’s your favorite Oakwood Mall store?

I am enchanted with the Katmandu establishment. How regal would I look flanked by some brass tigers?

If you could choose a different clichéd statue pose, what would it be?

I would be atop a horse, hand over my brow, gazing at the ever-changing future, and the Brat Kabin.

Who would win in a fight, Eau Claire guys from the 1860’s or modern Eau Claire dudes?

Oh pshaw! Real men who conquered the frontier and carved a city from the savage, unforgiving forest versus “dudes” who wear lady’s capri pants and spend most of their time pondering their statuses upon the Facebooks? You mustn’t be serious!

This correspondence has met its conclusion.