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Visual Art

Area Students Put Their Best Up On Gallery Walls

Trevor Kupfer |

by Stan Stalewski
by Stan Stalewski

The future of our visual arts scene, and the bar of quality coming out of our universities is once again at hand, as UWEC and Stout exhibit their final student shows of the academic year. Stout’s Best of Design and Prometheus exhibitions run through May 6 in Furlong Gallery, with a reception and awards presentation in May 14. The always-awesome accepted works this year include 2D, 3D, photos, video, and installation works. Definitely a must-see show. As is the Senior BFA at UWEC, and the art degree students display their best portfolio works on the walls of Foster Gallery in Haas Fine Arts, and said works have similar media ranges to Stout’s. An exciting month for visual art hounds, to be sure.