Tomorrow 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

Kid Stuff

Baby's Got a Brand New Bib

the local kidsy business Kite Flying Society

Maggie McCracken, photos by Kimberly Youngberg |

When Kristen Berger’s infant son began enthusiastically dirtying his bibs during meals, an idea sparked. “I would get so disappointed when he would stain a nice bib,” she says. “ I realized how silly it was of me to be frustrated at staining something that is supposed to get dirty – something that’s preventing the clothes from getting dirty – and I began to brainstorm ways that I could create a bib that ‘embraced the stain,’ so to speak.” And so, Kite Flying Society was born. Berger began by creating artistic bibs, which feature an outline of a blank canvas at an art gallery for the many colors of food, perfect for accenting the many ‘oopses’ of little ones. After selling her bibs at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, The Local Store, and Eau Claire Regional Arts Center, Berger expanded both artistically and professionally by creating a selection of dishtowels. Some showcase a similar concept to the bibs, but others are decorated with vintage recipes and retro female icons. It is safe to say that Berger’s artistry is both domestic and unconventional, bringing a pleasant angle to kitchen life. “I think we’re in an era now where more women are leaving their jobs and choosing to stay home when their children are small, but wondering how and if they’ll be able to re-enter the workforce, or if they’ll want to at all,” she says. “I think women have long struggled with living up to expectations or ideals, but now we struggle with which ideal to choose.” In the hectic and busy world of raising children in a modern age, hopefully some cute bibs and kitchen towels will make the struggle just a bit easier. 

Find them at The Local Store!