TODAY - 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

Kid Stuff

Lightning Bugs Go Boom!

Alyssa Schulte |

Since a young age, one of my favorite aspects of summer is the majesty and mystery of fireflies. (Or “lightnin’ bugs,” if you prefer.) Whatever you call them, this summer has literally been lighting up with the creatures. Due to the wet weather of last year, the conditions were perfect for a great crop of fireflies to dazzle us with their light show this year. Enjoy them while you can, however, because the dryness of this summer may dwindle their numbers next year. Phil Pellitteri, an entomologist at UW-Madison, has been enjoying the large number of fireflies, stating that “it’s been pretty special.” Whether you’ve ever participated in a “see how many fireflies you can catch in a jar” competition (letting them free once you’ve won, of course), or took to carrying around a flashlight to imitate them, odds are you’ve enjoyed the lightning bug in one way or another.