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Cover Art

On the Cover | Aug. 18, 2011

learn about this issue's cover art by Sarah Denis

“Oh Deer” by Angela Clark
(acrylic, 11”x14”)

Angela Clark
Angela Clark

“As a topic of interest, I find myself drawn to the diversity of wildlife. There are many unique variations among animals that deserve attention. While some critters are pokey and some are smelly, it is always easy to look to nature as an accessible window of entertainment. Deer are a particularly intriguing part of the Wisconsin landscape. While many people enjoy spotting the creatures in nature, others see them as a challenging and tasty hunt. Rather than portray them as majestic, graceful beings, however, I decided to take a different approach. They are, in fact, goofy, aloof, 4-legged car magnets. Love them or hate them, they are here to stay." – The Artist – The Artist

What we were thinking: "I visited Ned Gannon's illustration class at UWEC this past fall to help introduce a project asking students to "create an illustration that could potentially be used as a Volume One cover.” The class was informed about what we look for when selecting a cover, and this piece leaped out of the pack (pun intended). It’s obvious this deer was created with extreme perspective. To achieve this effect, the artist illustrated the animal in the center of the piece, keeping in mind the two vanishing points on the west and east side of the horizon. As objects in this plane move farther north and south of the established horizon, there is a phenomenon know as the “angle of distortion” which gives the illusion of extreme perspective. It is an extremely well executed piece from a technical standpoint – not to mention a whimsical one.” –V1 Designer Josh Smeltzer

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a letter.