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Just Local Theatre

group to put on a locally grown collections of short plays

Thom Fountain |

A previous Barebones Ensemble Theatre performance of God of Carnage.
A previous Barebones Ensemble Theatre performance of God of Carnage.

Barebones Ensemble Theatre, who always seem to be up to something, is hosting quite the event on the weekend of May 17-19. The ensemble will be performing the short plays and monologues of local writers in a production called, justly, Just Local Theatre. The writers include Wil Denson, Tony Duerkop, Josh Dolan-Neill, Matt Florence and current Eau Claire Poet Laureate Bruce Taylor. To add to the performances, shadow puppetry will be used in the short plays and the monologues will be accompanied by some smooth, soft jazz. The event will be held three nights (May 17-19) at 8 p.m. at The Grand Little Theatre. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for students.