Tomorrow 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

It's the heavenly sound
when chimes find a song
in breeze, the sparkle
of snow, the back and forth
show where hummingbirds
feed, it's an endless blue sky
when summer's not shy
to shine, the ferment
of leaves, the woodlands
at ease, in fall, it's the call
of a thrush when evening's
at hush in June, the echo
of grouse, the skitter
of mouse, near crocus
in bloom, it's the swoop
of an owl, the pitch
of its howl, in spring,
it's the high wire coos
on a walk where you choose
to love the life that you lead.

“Gratitude,” previously appearing in Father's and What Must be Said, is from Jeannie’s new collection, Beyond Bullrush, soon to be published. Learn more about her and her work:

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