TODAY - 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

Visual Art

Museum Can Boost Your Fiber Intake

if you’re dyeing to work flax or hoop rugs, the Fiber Arts Festival is for you

Gigi Roelant |

The linguistic shift from craft to art is an intentional one. Things considered crafts are often undervalued and seen as unworthy of being featured in a museum. The Chippewa Valley Museum believes in that value and is celebrating it with its seventh annual Fiber Arts Festival on Saturday, Feb. 20. From 11am to 4pm you can take in the work of more than 30 regional fiber artists and enjoy live-action demonstrations of fabric dyeing, flax-working, rug hooking, cordage making, hand spinning, and more. A live demonstration of ice sculpting will be a new addition to this year’s festival thanks to Jason Anhorn of the Starvin’ Carvists. If you want to do more than just watch you can engage in mini-lessons in everything from dyeing silk to learning how to use a drop spindle. All lessons will come free with museum admission. Admission is $7 for adults; $4 for ages 5-17, and free for ages 4 and under and museum members. With a soup and sandwich lunch at the Chippewa Valley Museum’s ice cream parlor you can support kids’ summer programs for the museum. Hot chocolate, coffee, tea, and other refreshments will also be available throughout the day. You can also support the artists by purchasing some of the art that will be on sale during the festival. And if taking in all that the fiber arts have to offer awakens the creator in you, artists will be handing out complimentary kits for you to take home. Become a fiber artist! Make something special for your wall, or perhaps even for another Fiber Arts Festival down the line.