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Last Call on Chippewa Valley Writers Guild Writing Retreats

Mike Paulus, photos by Justin Patchin |

A recent Chippewa Valley Writers Guild weekend with novelist Nickolas Butler.
A recent Chippewa Valley Writers Guild weekend with novelist Nickolas Butler.

The Chippewa Valley Writers Guild has seen a lot of positive momentum in its first year, producing an impressive roster of readings, craft talks, and more. However, thus far, the crown jewel of its offerings is a summer residency/retreat program allowing local writers an extended weekend to workshop with a fantastic set of professional authors and poets (such as Max Garland and Nickolas Butler). The retreats – hosted at Cirenaica, a full-featured lodge nestled into the countryside outside of Fall Creek – balance creation with instruction, providing both flexibility and structure to ensure writers of all backgrounds can thrive. They’re described as “three days of friendship, fellowship, feedback, and food, all on 43 pristine acres in the Wisconsin countryside. Think of it as your favorite class and summer camp all rolled into one.” A few spots still remain for the July residencies, including a poetry-focused weekend with Wisconsin poet laureate Kimberly Blaeser (July 14-17), and a nonfiction weekend with award-winning local writer John Hildebrand (July 21-24). The deadline to apply is June 20. To learn more, visit