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Cover Art

On the Cover | June 15, 2016

learn more about this issue's cover art by Jody Balow

painter by Judy Balow |

Yellow Poppies” by Jody Balow
oil on canvas, 16” x 42”, 2016

Jody Balow is an artist living in Eau Claire. She teaches art at Regis Catholic High School and works on her personal art from her studio in Banbury Place.

“This painting was done with oil paint and a variety of palette knives. The canvas is covered with a dark gray acrylic gesso (primer). This provides depth as some of the dark comes through the layers of paint. When I paint using a palette knife I have a general idea of what my subject will be but I do not sketch it out before applying the paint.” – The Artist

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art,send us a letter.