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Cover Art

On the Cover | Feb. 22, 2017

learn more about V1's cover art from Daniella Painter

Fluid” by Daniella Painter 
Charcoal on paper, 18” x 24”

Daniella Painter graduated with a BFA in drawing and painting and psychology.  Influenced by social prejudices, Daniella uses observational study, thin layers, and line variation to play with realistic and idealized perceptions.

“Fluid belongs to a series that began as an abstract expression of the body. However, the work evolved into a controlled and methodical study of material and process. Using powdered charcoal, water, and my own body allowed for a real sense of experimentation and discovery. Each step though, was calculated, analyzed and repeated. In this respect, I resonate with Rosalind Krauss’ critique of Avant Garde. Concepts such and repetition and originality are neither conflicting nor binary – they are much more fluid than that. Repetition gives birth to innovation.” – The Artist

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a message.