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Local Lit

How Healing Feels

Jeannie Roberts |

Like a twig's subtle shift
it rolls from thickening dimness
toward clarity 

where surface coins scatter 
toss silver chorus to air
while currents stir 

quicken through cradles of fertile Earth
and cliffs rise
where ferns burgeon beneath ledges  

soothe sharps  smooth edges
lilt like a maiden's hair sways  
awakening from the drape of absence

to the turn of birdsong
and the swell of springtime's budding

Jeannie E. Roberts, Chippewa Falls, has authored six books, most recently The Wingspan of Things and Rhyme the Roost! A Collection of Poems and Paintings for Children.  She is Poetry Editor of the online literary magazine Halfway Down the Stairs. When she’s not writing or editing, you can find her drawing and painting, or outdoors photographing her natural surroundings. Find her books here. More from Jeannie here.

"How Healing Feels" previously  appeared  in Blue Heron Review.