TODAY - 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

rural wisconsin

a tavern a store a church



at the local bar

all the regulars are there

solving world problems


at the last call inn

the old timers all talking

dice box slams the bar


in wisconsin

old duffers beer and brandy

juke box and polkas


up north at the bar

with their own stool – their own stein 



at the local bar

all the drinkers are mumbling

who bought the last round


after the laughter

irony walks in and grins

orders a double


Gary Busha is an editor, writer, and publisher with a master’s degree from UW-Eau Claire. These poems are taken from The Old Timers (Wolfsong Pubs., Sturtevant, WI 2022). To see more of Gary’s work look here. To learn more and to purchase his books, visit



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