Cover Art

On the Cover | March 9, 2023

‘Space Bus’ by Connor Schiebsted

Connor Schiebsted |

Space Bus” by Connor Schiebsted

Connor Schiebsted’s style is graphic, expressive, colorful, and chockfull of cartoon violence.

“Space Bus” (2022) • Digital Art and Acrylic •  From the artist: “ ‘Space Bus’ means a lot to me and my series ‘Space Cadets,’ which featured 14 digital prints in the Ruth Foster Gallery at UW-Eau Claire. In 2022 I created my own cartoony universe, and I hit my stride with fantastical caricatures of things you might recognize, like trolls, goblins, and even condiments you'd find in your fridge. From start to finish, graphite to graphics software, I push as much comedy, color, and life into my characters as possible. This piece especially captures my desire to cram those characters into one space while not overwhelming the viewer. I was also fortunate enough to win second place with this illustration in the annual Juried Exhibition because, ‘kids liked the slug smoking a cigarette.’ ”


Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a message.