Staff Notes

STAFF NOTE: You Kubb, I Kubb, We All Kubb

from Volume One distribution manager Matt Novacek

Matt Novacek |

Summer in Wisconsin is always packed with events and one of those events smacked right in the middle of all the Valley happenings is the U.S. National Kubb Championship.

In Eau Claire, we’ve had the fortunate opportunity to host the U.S. National Kubb Championship every year since 2007 (shoutout to Eric Anderson)! And every year I organize some Volume One staff to go and “compete” at the tourney! My team this year was called “Friday Night Kubb Fry”.

We don’t really go to win, but to have fun and build camaraderie. Because that is what Kubb is really about. Yes, Kubb is a yard game, but in the summer in Eau Claire, it’s life. Kubb has the ability to unite us and make new friends and to help us drop the worries of the day-to-day, if just for a moment. There’s no better place to be than barefoot on a freshly mowed lawn, throwing wood at other wood with an ice-cold beer in one hand making new friends.

If you’re out and about and see some folks playing this weird game, just remember, they are building camaraderie, and that should be celebrated. In fact, ask to join them! Totally not weird and totally encouraged.

Summer is more than halfway through. If you’ve yet to break out your kubb set, do it. If you’ve never played, try it. And if you want a rematch from the tournament, bring it. So go out and partake in Eau Claire’s national pastime and make some friends while you’re at it!