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Show Review: Left Wing Bourbon @the Mousetrap

John Abbott |

It was a good sized crowd at the Mousetrap in Eau Claire for the band of the night, Left Wing Bourbon. By the second set, the dance floor was usually filled with people rocking' out. The fan base – or, at least the fan base of the night –had a decidedly bohemian look. The fans seem to know the music well, a sign the band provides consistent goodness. Left Wing Bourbon puts on a fun party, and it was a good night to be at the Mousetrap.

Left Wing Bourbon bills itself as five people who like to get funky. Their music is mostly bluesy covers. But everything they play has an element of funk thrown in. I mean really, would you ever imagine hearing a regular blues band singing backup vocals of "uga-chucka, uga-chucka…"? The voice of lead singer Faith Ulwelling was nothing short of amazing. Her vocal range, clarity and tone were perfect. She was 100% spot on key. It was really breathtaking. To me, she was Aretha Franklin incarnate.

Instrumentally, the band was pretty solid. Jason Keisler on lead guitar played well. The guitar solos were fairly complex and of good length. Jacob Ulwelling on bass did great. He had some good bass solos that were kind of fun. Another bass solo with a phaser effects pedal of some type, was maybe a bit over the top, but it wasn't too long or too bad. There were a few bobbles back on the drums. Easy to overlook really, except for the amusing fact that drummer, Derrick Biederman, would grimace when he would miss a beat. It was nothing too bad, and good for a chuckle when it did happen. Overall the band was very professional and practiced and when something unexpected would happen, everyone just rolled right over it and the show rocked on ...