Tomorrow 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

Housetraining a Puppy Begins With a Crate

Karen Rude |

Training starts the day you bring your puppy home. Every puppy should be crate trained and should learn at an early age that this will be his or her home. To get started, make sure before putting your puppy in the crate that the puppy went potty outside. Walk and play with the puppy so that it is tired. If you puppy is wearing a collar, take the collar off before putting him or her in the crate. Puppies can strangle with collars on. Feeding and putting treats in the kennel will also help create a positive experience for the puppy. As a general rule, don’t provide food after 5pm or water before bedtime. Also, do not let the puppy sleep in bed with you. Puppies need to bond with their crates so they consider them their dens. The puppy will cry a few nights because it misses its littermates. This is normal. It’s hard, but try not to feel bad – the puppy will learn to love its crate!