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Don’t Forget Dad because he made time for you

Local dad reminisces about his father and the lessons he’s taught him

Sam Fisher, design by Serena Wagner |

Sunday, June 19, is Father’s Day – the official celebration of fatherhood and the important roles our dads play in our lives. Father’s Day is about celebrating the bond between father and child. Father’s Day is also about reflection – reflecting back on all that we have shared with and learned from our fathers. It should be a reflection on time spent together; a reflection of love and appreciation.

Regardless of your age, your dad is always your dad. Even now in my early 30s, I still look to my father for advice. And although the role a father plays in our lives can change and evolve over time, there are some things that never change.

Being a father is something that is inside of you from the moment your child is born and – in my experience – never leaves. Being a father is more than just answering to the name “Dad.” It is about teaching and mentoring, loving and supporting. Most of all, it is about parenting. Knowing that it is more important to be a father than it is to be a friend.

When looking back on my life and my relationship with my father, there is much I have learned. I am very fortunate. You see, I have a father who is the definition of the word. Throughout my entire life he has always been there for me and taught me what it takes to fill this role, as I now find myself answering to the name “Daddy.” For all the new fathers out there, here are some things I have learned that can help build that strong bond that fathers are known for.


This idea seems so simple, yet it often gets lost in our busy lives. I believe it is by far the most instrumental part of fatherhood. Making time for your child is paramount. Time is something you cannot get back, and with it comes so many different opportunities. My dad always made time. Weekdays or weekends, it did not matter. He attended my sporting events, helped me with homework, and made time for just about anything I needed. Being available was never an issue for my father. And in looking back on everything that made growing up great, it all centers on time. Being a father is a full-time position.


My dad often jokes that this part was easy for us, as my love of hunting and fishing was as strong as his. My dad was, and still is, my fishing partner and my hunting guide. Growing up we had Saturday morning rituals of getting up at 6am to go ice fishing, spending Sunday afternoons in the woods chasing grouse, and summer weeknights out in the boat. It was these activities that really solidified our relationship when it came to quality time. I feel it was no accident that I took to these activities with the same passion as he did. My dad took the time early on to teach me, and it was his passion for the outdoors that became mine. He was patient and willing to give so much of his time and energy for my comfort and success, both in the woods and on the water.


My life rotates around the seasons. And with each season comes another tradition. My dad and I have managed to keep many of the traditions alive that we started when I was growing up. Some are big and some are small. Some occur the same week every year, others happen more casually as time allows. But they all happen. One of the biggest is our annual Canadian fishing trip. For the past 19 years we have taken the trip together, and it is one of the best weeks of the entire year. It is an opportunity for us to strengthen our bond and enjoy an activity that we both love.


It is as important to a child as it is to a father to love. It is a part of the all of the things you do and the time you spend together. Love is about teaching, supporting, and letting your children know you are proud of who they are. The love that exists between a father and child enhances all of the time, activities, and traditions that you share. It is the center of the bond. When I reflect back on my entire life with my father, it is the love that I remember most.