Best of the Chippewa Valley

Reader Polls

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2022

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2023

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2024

Best Project in Progress or Completed in the Last Year

It’s been a big year for Eau Claire. Downtown saw a slew of new and new-to-downtown businesses, but nothing wowed readers quite like the dazzling $12. 5 million Children’s Museum of Eau Claire, which opened in early 2023. A few months later and a few steps away, the bustling, 14,000-square-foot Menomonie Market Food Co-op opened its doors to delicious, healthy food options. Soon to come in the year ahead: the new and expanded Eau Claire County Humane Association shelter plus their downtown parner, Mr. Kitty’s Cat Cafe, which we’re sure will be the cat’s meow. —Rebecca Mennecke